OAS Integration
OAS is designed to fit into an organisation’s existing IT architecture and supports interoperability via numerous integration technologies. While it can be implemented as a standalone system, it can also be used as the data repository at the heart of a fully integrated set of packages in the hydrocarbons management and operations area.

OAS is surrounded by a layer of open XML based web services known as OAS Integration Services. The services are typically consumed by third party applications and integration platforms.

OAS is integrated at all refinery levels and the following is a representative but not exhaustive list:

Each of the integration services is connected to OASNotification, a module that enables real-time events to be recorded for alerts of interface/integration activity.

Furthermore, OASNotification uses an events engine to generate and format XML messages for remote systems. Notification is capable of transmitting an XML message to a remote system via configuration, and requires no programming effort. Notification is administered using the OAS application and requires no specific third party tools for configuration.


OAS supports a wide range of interface technologies to meet the needs of different organisations.

Web Services

Open standards-based integration supported through the use of Web Services, XML, WCF and SOAP.

Rich Data Model

Database level integration supported by rich suite of database views and packages utilizing proven Oracle™ database technology.

Office Productivity

Support for import and export of data from office productivity tools such as Microsoft Excel™